Who are we?

We are a community group concerned about protecting our local biodiversity. As a Landcare Group, we started working on riparian public land in 1997 around Napoleons and Scotchman's Lead with support from local government agencies and neighbours and have been particularly active since 2013. The primary vision of the group is to look after our land by working together as a community.
We have an active committee, and our membership includes a wide range of individuals and families from all around the area, including a growing Facebook membership.
What we do
The Napoleons Enfield Landcare Group has initiated a number of projects involving re-vegetation, new plantings and weed control since its establishment. The group has several major project sites including Glassons Lane Reserve (now known as Cambrian Hill Nature Reserve), and Scotchman’s Lead Reserves, which stretch all along the Yarrowee river from Franklins Bridge into the lowest reaches of Union Jack Creek.
We will soon be a Committee of Management for the public riparian lands around Scotchmans Lead/Franklins Bridge. Currently we are increasing access to the sites for visitors, continuing to plant and maintain riparian woodlands along the Yarrowee and lower Union Jack Creek, planting low canopy plants to increase biodiversity, experimenting growing kangeroo grass on road verge, etc.
We encourage volunteering by running working bees, training events and holding Open days. We have working bees on the first Sunday of the month and weekly working bees on the two sites. We hold general meetings every January, March, May, July, September, and November. We hold committee meetings in the month in between.
We meet at various locations around the area by arrangement.
Latest News
Napoleons/Enfield Latest News
We have working bees on the first Sunday of the month and weekly working bees on our two sites, Cambrian Hill Nature Reserve, and Scotchman’s Lead Reserve.
Napoleons/Enfield Projects:
The Napoleons Enfield Landcare Group has initiated a number of projects involving re-vegetation, new plantings and weed control since its establishment. The group has several major project sites including Glassons Lane Reserve (now known as Cambrian Hill Nature Reserve), and Scotchman’s Lead Reserves, which stretch all along the Yarrowee river from Franklins Bridge into the lowest reaches of Union Jack Creek.
Scotchman's Lead Reserve location
Cambrian Hill Nature Reserve location:
We will soon be a Committee of Management for the public riparian lands around Scotchmans Lead/Franklins Bridge. Currently we are increasing access to the sites for visitors, continuing to plant and maintain riparian woodlands along the Yarrowee and lower Union Jack Creek, planting low canopy plants to increase biodiversity, experimenting growing kangeroo grass on road verge, etc.
We encourage volunteering by running working bees, training events and holding Open days. We have working bees on the first Sunday of the month and weekly working bees on the two sites. We hold general meetings every January, March, May, July, September, and November. We hold committee meetings in the month in between.
We meet at various locations around the area by arrangement.
Join Our Group
Join the Napoleons/Enfield Landcare group:
Meetings and events: We have regular meetings and walk & talks, generally with a local expert. Non members are welcome to attend meetings and events, while members have the opportunity to be on the active committee and help drive the group’s direction. We hold general meetings every January, March, May, July, September, and November. We hold committee meetings in the month in between.
Join the group by filling in the membership form.
Member Benefits
• Share your passion and enthusiasm for environmental issues with like minded people in a friendly, social atmosphere
• Access expert knowledge regarding indigenous plants of the area, flora & fauna, river health, weed and pest control and so much more ….
Find us on Facebook: Napoleons Enfield Landcare Group